Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bring on the Pancakes!

Ok, not to be gross, but is there anything worse than having that nagging, rib-bruising hacking post-nasal drip cough while your monthly friend is visiting?

Yes.  When you have that awful cough, your monthly friend, and you're taking an antibiotic that totally rips up your gut. 

Thanks for letting me whine -- it's not polite to actually say any of that out loud, at least not when you're headed to your in-laws for a pancake breakfast.


Mama Pipes said...

Not that this relates to the post-nasal drip thing at all, but I spent my whole gestational diabetic pregnancy craving pancakes. I swear, I dreamed about those things every day. So now whenever I see that word I am instantly transported to a 9 month craving that I never gave in to! Oddly, once the baby was out I wasn't dying for them.

IASoupMama said...

So funny! I craved potatoes with my son and lemonade with my daughter. I was low-carbing before him and I guess I was needing some carbs. My daughter was born in September, so I might just have been hot and thirsty when I was pregnant with her.

I don't really care for pancakes, either...

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said...

You know me. Nothing you can say could ever gross me out. And I'm sorry you and sick and have Aunt Flo visiting. That sucks. Hope you feel better soon!