Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Newest Member of the Family is Purrrrfect!

So, if you know anything about me, I am unabashedly a dog person.  I melt over fluffy soft puppies, giggle endlessly as clumsy adolescent dogs trip over their feet, and appreciate the overwhelming affection from my own dogs.  Yeah, I complain about them waking me at night and pooping the floor, but I'd complain about anyone who woke me at night and pooped on my floor, so don't even think about it!  OK?

I am not a cat person.  It's not that I don't like the animals, but my histamines think they're deadly and I can't stand the itching and sneezing and wheezing that comes with feline exposure. 

However, I detest mice -- enough that my loathing for rodents has overpowered my allergic instincts.  This lead to last weekend's great cat caper.

My mom (a cat person... and a dog person) captured two farm cats from her friend's farm -- two animals used to living outdoors and mousing -- exactly what we needed.  Better yet, one of them appears to have been neutered at some point, so bonus for us only having to spay/neuter the other.  And they have their claws -- completely necessary for outdoor living.

Grandma arrived with the cats, one of whom has pooped in a carrier and one of whom has puked in another carrier.  We gently extract the poopy cat, turns out he's the neutered one.  I gave him a once over and promptly named him Tabi because he is gray and has white socks.  Tabi is the traditional Japanese toe-sock shoes and it completely looks like he's wearing them.  Not to mention, naming a cat Socks is so Bill Clinton circa 1992 and that's not quite retro enough for me.

The other cat needs much more persuasion to exit the carrier.  It takes one look at the five of us standing around (me, Scott, kids and Grandma) and bolts into the flat bean field behind out garage, flying across the road and disappearing into a cornfield.  We have not seen this cat since then.

But Tabi?  Well, he's a friendly little fellow, cries when we all go in the house, runs to greet us when we get home, weaves between our legs purring.  He likes us.  My kids adore him, particularly Violet.  Since coming to live here, Tabi has caught two mice (of which we know).  How do I know?  Scott has stuck his head into my shower to let me know, like a news bulletin or something.

So maybe this old dog-girl can learn some new tricks after all -- like liking a cat.  Will wonders never cease?

Oh -- in case you're looking for a picture of the fellow, I haven't taken any yet.  I'm lazy that way.  Maybe someday...


The Laughing Librarian said...

Coming from a total cat-person, this is good news-- another convert! I love my little low-maintenance balls of fluff that warm my feet at night. (I admit, the occasional soggy hairball is pretty gross, tho.) Hope the other kitty reappears, but in the meantime, enjoy Tabi! Sounds like he's a good little guy.

parenting ad absurdum said...

My family and I are deadlocked - I want a cat and the rest of them want a dog - but since I'm the one (clearly) who would be taking care of said pet, I've vetoed the whole thing. I may still sneak a kitten in...

vanita said...

Tabi sounds great and I know you'll give him a great home.

Unknown said...

okay, so you haven't taken any pics yet---have you had to take any Benadryl? My hubs is horribly allergic to cats. Hence we have a dog. Which is good b/c I prefer them myself....


Would love to see pics!