Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pop Quiz: Answer

These are Buff Orpington chicks.  They are currently living in a brooder box in our basement.  There are 25 of them, half of which will become layers, the other half will be broilers when they reach 4-5 pounds.  Yes, it's official -- I AM living in Green Acres...


Jen R said...

Well, you're quite a do-it-yourselfer! Cool, good luck with them.

Rhonda Schrock said...

So, so cute! My cousin and I killed a bunch of chicks for Grandma once by scaring them all into a corner. They suffocated. We were apx 3 and thought a sea of yellow furballs that parted in front of our litte feet was a hoot and a holler.

The dads, we heard later, had to pay the price for it. Sorry!